SnirtStopper Even Seals Gaps in Walk-Thru Doors!
SnirtStopper doesn’t just work on Garage Overhead Doors. It works on Walk-Thru Doors, too! Installation is just as fast and simple, and anyone can do it! Seal up that old drafty, leaky door on your house, shop, or garage with SnirtStopper SideSealer and TopSealer. Seal the gap underneath a door with SnirtStopper BottomSealer. Seal gaps under or around standard entry doors in minutes. Installs easily with color-matched self-tapping screws.
Depending on how and where it’s installed, it may not be the prettiest way to seal a walk-in door, but it works and it can save you money! Here are some pictures of a shop walk-thru door that we recently sealed up tight!
Seals and Trims any Walk-In Door