With cold weather right on top of us, now is the time to finally do something about costly air infiltration around the overhead doors in your garage or shop.
SnirtStopper is an outstanding product that closes that gap and keeps out cold air, ice and snow. It also blocks unwanted pests and critters, while also preventing outside dirt and leaves from blowing into your garage or shop areas.
In short, it is Time To Stop The Snirt.
Okay, first of all, what is snirt? Traditionally, it is the unsightly and messy combination of snow and dirt that can blow underneath or through the sides of your poorly-sealed overhead door. In a broader sense, snirt also can be water/rain, leaves, bugs, mice, snow, grime and even snakes moving under your door or through the sides. Heat loss is also a major concern. Check out the gap on your current overhead door to get an idea of the problem you are dealing with. Did you know that drafts can bring dirt, snow, ice, mud, plus heat and cooling loss through a space of 1/32nd of an inch? Bugs and spiders can creep through a space of only 1/16th of an inch. Mice can enter your garage or shop area through a space the size of a pencil. It’s time to put a stop to all that infiltration. If you want to keep mice out of your home, and what family doesn’t, then an important step is to make your garage or shop area rodent-free.
The SnirtStopper system features two revolutionary products — the BottomSealer and SideSealer — to allow you to create a cleaner and safer garage or shop area. It also helps you reduce energy bills and provide a more comfortable space by keeping out the cold in winter and the heat in summer.
As an example, in one large Midwest building with multiple overhead doors, the heating cost was just over $1,500 a month. After installing new seals on all the doors, the bill was reduced to $689. The new low heating cost easily paid for the product in a month.
Designed and manufactured by a veterans-owned business, the system easily attaches to your overhead doors and all needed parts and instructions are shipped with the product. Easy-to-follow directions are included and an instruction video may be viewed at snirtstopper.com. It easily can be installed in less than 30 minutes. Furthermore, the product is manufactured 100 percent in the USA.
The uniquely-designed SnirtStopper is much more effective than the narrow vinyl tab often used at the bottom of most overhead doors. It features an upper (adjustable and mounted to inside of door rather than bottom) tab, a foam core and flexible bottom tab made of sturdy vinyl-rubber coated fabric that is the same material used on many commercial semi-truck tarps. The material is water/weather resistant and features tough and durable stitching.
If you are concerned about durability in your specific application or situation, rest assured – the SnirtStopper comes with a one-year money-back guarantee if there is a manufacturing defect.
And now for some additional great news – you can choose from among several colors to match your door color or trim.
The BottomSealer now comes in black, white or gray. The SideSealer and TopSealer now come in a variety of colors, including red, dark brown, charcoal, sand, green, gray, brown, black, white and tan.
To review, the SnirtStopper:
*Saves energy costs.
*Keeps out cold or warm air, dirt and leaves.
*Helps prevent garage or shop doors from freezing to ground.
*Keeps out unwanted pests and critters.
*Fits uneven conditions of doors to floors.
*Is easy to install.
*Provides insulation to bottom of door.
*Is designed so that tab is always adjustable to floor.
Order your SnirtStopper system today and begin realizing the benefits of having an economical and effective way of achieving more comfortable and efficient garage and shop areas.
So, Snirt Happens – stop it in your garage and shop areas. Give us a call at 800-250-5502 or 320-695-2899. We promise a Live Person will answer during regular business hours. We look forward to helping with your project and we are confident you will appreciate our commitment to following the great Midwestern tradition of friendly and honest service.